The Florida Rwandan Community Abroad Association is excited to share that the International Women’s Day celebration in Miami was a resounding success! We had over 60 people attend from all over Florida with the singular goal of promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment. The event was held at the beautiful island Crandon Park, where even the peacocks were curious as to the meaning of the event.

We were pleased to receive Francis Mulindwa, First Counselor, as the representative from the Embassy of the Republic of Rwanda in the United States of America. We were also pleased to be joined by multiple representatives from local organizations such as the Florida Immigration Coalition.

Beatrice Smith, in charge of Gender, magnificently taught us all about the meaning of what it means to pursue gender equality in 2023. She walked us through the history of the struggle for equality around the globe beginning with the United States all the way to Africa. She further elaborated with examples of the current progress that has been made, making sure to point out that our mother country, Rwanda, leads the world in the most women representatives in a national legislature with over 64% of members being women.

Children were not left behind with a quiz about Rwanda from Janvier Nshimyumuremyi, in charge of Youth, followed by prizes. Rwandans, friends, and children alike had a wonderful time in celebrating gender equality and women empowerment.

Florida RCA also had its leadership retreat where various topics – followed by actionable plans – were laid out to ensure we build on this day’s success for a successful 2023!

We would like to cordially to invite all to our next event, Kwibuka29, on April 22nd, 2023 in Tampa, FL.


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